While hotels and short term rental homes serve the same faction and basically provide the same service, there are some things to consider if you are trying to decide which to go for. The first point of observation is that they may not necessarily be competing with each other at all levels. They may have areas where they compete and choosing one or the other may depend on how you woke up that day. However, there are areas they do not compete because they do different things and picking the right one in such a case could be critical. This is why I want us to look at factors to consider before deciding to go ahead and book that hotel space or rent that apartment in Rome, Italy.
What Are You Going To Do There?
What you are going to do in that country or place can determine whether a hotel or renting an apartment on short lease is the right choice. What if you are going to close an eight figure deal for your company and a lot still rests on how you do what you do when you get there. You might need extra privacy. You might need extra space. You might need time. A hotel may provide this at a premium cost of course but getting a short lease agency to provide you with something could just be right for you.
Which Is Available?
This should be the first question as a businessperson. Availability is usually tied to proximity. You may want something close to a particular area, like the city center and in this case, only hotels might be available. Alternatively, where you are going might not be a major city but it has some cool apartments for short term rentals. In this case, go with what is available.
How Long Are You Going To Stay?
Duration should naturally make you bring out the calculator because this is where practicality should have the stage (unless it is your Honeymoon, then you can throw it out of the window). Now if you are meant to stay for a month or so, it might not be practical or ideal for you to “live” in a hotel. You might just want something more homelike. This is where short term rentals can help give you the most ideal place. However, if you are staying for a week or less, you can book that room in the hotel.
Duration may be the strongest thing short term leasing has going for it. This is because people might find it awkward staying so long in a hotel. Another thing is that they would not want to place themselves in another person’s home for so long a time (they might not want to do so even if the time is not so long). Renting on short term gives the right answers to all the questions raised.
People tend to view hotels as places you can only spend up to two weeks if it is a holiday or Honeymoon. Aside from this, and for some unknown reason, staying in a hotel for up to a month or so is frowned upon except if you as a star (you can be excused for anything if you are a star). Some might start to feel it in a negative way if they stay too long in hotel but they would want to prolong it if it was an Italian villa. This sums my point exactly.
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Will You Be Hopping Around In That Country Or Staying Put?
Ah this is a very relevant question. If you would be hopping around, hotels are just for you but if you are staying put in the area for up to two weeks or more, going short term might just work for you.
Do You Have A Team Coming With You?
The team could of course be a business team, a partner or family. This may not necessarily sway your decision one way or the other. However, if the duration is long enough and knowing full well the impact environment and space can have on productivity, going for a short lease could be the most ideal choice for you and the people that are coming with you. It can also be a way of giving your family a treat by allowing them to swim in luxury even if it is only for two weeks. They will not hate you for it.
Will You Be Hosting When You Get There?
Go for short lease if you will be hosting. You can decide to splash the money if you have the expense account to carry it especially when it is a business dinner or gathering and pick some choice homes that are available on short lease. It would definitely give your business brand a boost to host them in their own country. Short lease apartments or homes would be most ideal if you would be hosting guests when you are in that country, region or state.
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