How to write a Resume

Having a portfolio that clients and agents would be interested in is something people in fields like graphic arts, web design and others realize it is important. A great portfolio would showcase your talents and give you bargaining power. However, there are people who assume that your portfolio must be filled with jobs already done for clients. This may not necessarily hold true in every field and this is what we are going to exploit. Now for those who are not into design, you can replace the word portfolio to CV because you can use the tips here and apply it to building a great CV.
How do you go about building a great portfolio even when you do not have projects? The answer is two- fold and one will address people working in fields where they need actual projects that is attributed to them to add to their portfolio.

Answer 1: Set up your own projects, build your portfolio with personal works.

Answer 2: Co-opt communities, local councils (schools, NGO etc) into your personal projects that you can add to your portfolio

The second answer is meant for those that are in fields where they need to show that what is in their portfolio is connected to an actual “jobs”. Let us address both answers.

Building Your Own Portfolio
This is ideal for those in fields related to design whether it is graphic arts, web template or product design. You do not have to wait for a job before you start adding to your portfolio. Designers tend to have a portfolio of their works as some have been compiling it since early school days.
Look at the collection you already have and start adding more that cover areas that clients will like. You are not doing them for anyone in particular but with the sole aim of adding them to your collection.
Keep your Portfolio Updated with the Latest Trends
Having a collection of 90ish designs may belabor the retro argument. Always stay abreast of the latest styles and design concepts in your field and continually adds works that reflects them.

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Add the Outlandish
Add the “concept car level” to your portfolio by adding outlandish designs that will cause whoever is going through it to pause or ask a question. Just make sure you have an answer that makes sense when such a question is popped. It may be a futuristic building design or a borrowed design/concept from an unrelated field, adding the outlandish to your portfolio gives you that wow factor and it is an understated way of showing off your versatility. Make it is rule to have a set of outlandish designs and concepts as part of your portfolio.

Co-opting Communities/local councils
This is an innovative way of doing something that has multiple benefits.
•    You get to do something that has a sort of official stamp hence answering the premeditated question of having “real” projects in your portfolio
•    Communities and local councils always want citizen assistance and encourage it as you would be contributing to the community
•    You might end up finding your true calling
•    You get community recognition which could do wonders to your CV

How to Co-opt Communities/council/schools/NGOs
•    Pick a project that is in your area of expertise
•    Let it be something that will impact the community
•    Do not presume it will be accepted so prepare to sell hard
•    The greater people in that community the project serves, the greater your chances of having it approved
•    Let it be at zero financial cost to the council/community although you can leave room for personal donations
•    If personal donations are involved, do due diligence. Do not touch the money with a long pole. Get one of their own to oversee that.
•    We mentioned communities, local council, schools and NGOs because such collectives are always looking for ways and willing to listen to people who want to contribute in one way or the other.

Benefits of Having a Ready Portfolio
•    Adds to your bargaining power
•    Showcases the scope and range of your skill
•    Can act as a catalogue of sorts to show to clients to pick from
•    Keeps you focused on developing your skill and adding to your collection
•    Helps you to continually seek to improve and stay updated with the latest trends in your field
•    Now anybody can use this to add ‘real’ projects to their portfolio whether you are a graphic artist or a graduate of finance. You just have to muse a bit on how you can package your skill to provide a needed service or assistance that can add value to both you (in your CV/portfolio) and the community.

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