False Perceptions
In some quarters, interns are viewed as a little higher than servants in the pecking order but there is no truth in this. The fact is interns can work with teams within an organization that are in involved in massive deals. A couple of reasons why some hold this view may be due to the perception that they receive wages that are not commensurate to their work load and that they may be looked down upon by others in the company. However, there are tangible benefits for being an intern in any company. Let us look at a few.
Opportunity To Work
The first thing is that they have the opportunity to work. In a time where getting jobs are hard to come by, holding an internship position is better than having nothing. This is not to give credence to those who feel it is a thankless position because it is also a financially rewarding experience. It is more than having the opportunity to work. They become part of a team that is pursuing objectives and achieving set goals. It is an exciting world to be when it is viewed in that way.
People that have a chance to be interns are usually still in College. For most of them, it is going to be their first time working in big organization especially if they are corporate bodies. This is exciting in itself for them and although the pay in their mind would still be big considering where they are coming from, it is however not the issue. The fact that they have been given the chance to be part of something big is enough excitement for them that gives them a sense of fulfillment.
Garner Valuable Working Experience
As interns, they are in a position to garner valuable working experience. They get to participate in the daily grind of going to work and learn the ropes. They familiarize themselves with the office environment and the unique demands it places on their personality and psyche. This gets to influence them in ways that helps them to mature.
The experience they garner could be the stepping-stone to greater things. Young men and women are in their golden age. This is the age where they are surrounded with various tools that challenge their mental abilities, tools that they can use to produce things. This is the age where the young find it easier to find success even in the business world. This was something that was the exclusive reserve of people that came into inherited wealth or took over the family business. However, the young men and women of today have the opportunity to garner the right experiences, tap from the immense tool around them and produce something that will leave a mark in the sands of time.
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They Have Job Placement Opportunities
The fact that they are already in the system means they have more than a foot in and are in a position to get job placements once they are done with their schooling. They may even have better job placement opportunities than those who never had the chance to work within that organization before. This gives them a form of security as they may be offered a position that is theirs for the taking when they finish school.
They Have Networking Opportunities
Interns have a lot going for them but one of the most important is the fact that they are a head start to start networking. What’s more, they are exposed to the right set of people within that corporate world or field where they are doing their internship. There is a thin line between social and between social and business networking. These interns have the chance to do some serious business networking. This means they could have opportunities to have a number of job offers coming their way.
Internship is an opportunity to make lasting impressions. You are given access to enter through a door that is open to everybody and if used properly, that impressions you make could continue to work for you well into your adulthood.
The advantage of being an intern and strategically using that position to your advantage is immense. It is a time when you can a lay a solid foundation to your future aspirations.
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