How to Start a Successful Soap Making Business in Nigeria

Have you been dreaming about starting you own soap making business? but aren't sure where to start ?Yes Soap making is a BIG business  here in Nigeria. It is a daily need for every body there is no place you can't find soap be it in our homes, offices, hospitals etc.

It is very lucrative business to invest in, Be it laundry  soap, toilet soap, liquid soap it is a necessity, your production can start from small to large scale. We have local soap producer who might have found themselves into this business for long and they are doing great in the business.

Do you know you can make a monthly net of over N500,000? in this business. The key issues in this business has to do with one's ability to produce qualitative soaps as well as what we have in the market. Once these two criteria have been established, a prospective operator is on his or her way of becoming a successful soap manufacturer.


A prospective or aspiring entrepreneur can begin this business with N100,000, excluding the cost of renting an operational location or shop. After acquiring the soap making skills from an existing operation, you can also go ahead to buy some basic equipment. You can start in your house, do it in your kitchen, depending on where you go get a space.

A local welder could help you to do a mould, get a cheap cutting machine for your stamp through which your name can be engrave on your soap. You have started making good money. This article will help you achieve your dreams of what you believe in cheers...

Raising Capital

If you are unsure about how much money you will need upfront, discussing with other entrepreneur will be necessary, it could be money from your purse, friends or loan from the bank etc.

What you will  need for soap making

These are some of the list of the equipment needed in soap making; a mould, a cutting machine and a trimming machine. In addition, a metallic stamp is required for labeling if you wish to build your brand, a safety hand glove, stainless steel or plastic spoons, paper towel, stick blender, measuring cup, plastic spoons,iye,oils, organic ingredients, scents , colours and chemicals.


Choose your recipe

Assemble your ingredients

Prepare your mould by lining inside with parchment paper

Start the measuring

Make sure all ingredient is weighed this includes your liquid

Measure our your iye measure you have glove and you goggles on

Pour the iye into a water or other liquid.

While the iye solution is cooling, weigh out the oil and butter

Before mixing make sure your iye and oil are in the same temperature.

Using a stick blender, mix the iye and the oil together while mixing keep on checking

Pour the mixture into the prepared mould smoothing the top with a wooded spoon.

Cover with the mould top

Then leave for about 24 to 36 hours

Unmold your soap

Where and how will you sell your Soap

There are several sales channels for selling your soaps, if you are just starting you can start with your family and friends by giving them for free without paying, asking them different questions about your products, making enquiries about the products; these are some few questions you are expected to ask them if the soap lasts long, if the fragrance is nice, what they will like about the product and what they will not like.

Make the color very attractive and nice, have a good marketing skills, sell it online another good place to sell your product is an hotel, schools and churches etc.

Naming your Company

Your name should reflect your line of products, it should be catchy you can also make it  memorable, its your brand you are going to live with in day in and day out, you are going to say it day in and day out, on the telephone, in the neighborhood so make sure you really love it.

With the steps above I believe this will help you in achieving your dreams of becoming a soap maker. I will love to hear from you about your successes, challenges, advice and questions. Have a wonderful career ahead!
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